Friday 7 October 2016

Session 2 - Classwork

For this task, we were put into 2 groups and were given 6 objectives. We had to find a clip and explain its pose to pose animation. The clip we chose was Mickey Mouse and the Seal.

As a group, we chose to analyse 0:31-0:44 of the video. These were the questions:

  1.  Which key poses show the character thinking?
  2. Which poses present the best staging?
  3. Which poses can be removed but still maintain the story?
  4. Does the animation work from a different angle?
  5. What are the characters emotional beats?
  6. Comment on the style of timing.
As a group, we all created our own presentation/word documents answering each of the questions.

  •   Which key poses show the character thinking?

  • Which poses present the best staging?

  • Which poses can be removed but still maintain the story?
  • Does the animation work from a different angle?

  • What are the characters emotional beats?

  • Comment on the style of timing.

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